sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2007

Technology my blessing – my sin!

I’m feeling so ordinary at this right moment, can’t think of anything polemic to write about, so I was reading some quotes hoping they would help – they didn’t. Inspiration can’t be forced, it just… happens.
Truth is, I found a quote of a wonderful writer: “I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.” (Oscar Wilde)
I know, I know – not one of his best quotes at all – so why am I copying it? I couldn’t help thinking how rustic this sentence sounds nowadays… I mean, not that there aren’t people who write in diaries anymore. In fact, it’s much more interesting to do so, but people are more likely to type in a blog about their days, than write it in a journal of any kind. Nevertheless – trains?! I only stepped in a train three times in my whole life, and all of them were part of a tourist attraction. Let’s just face it: the world has changed!
Again, no surprises there… However, I bet you, my friend, never stopped to think about it: wouldn’t you love to write with one of those old quills in a yellowish journal with a lovely handwrite calligraphy, even if that meant it would take sometime and patience?
It is after all the beauty of old times, even if it meant most of those journal would be lost forever… (still it sounds romantic)

Romance, there it is, something missing in my life…

Frase do dia: “Romance should never begin with sentiment. It should begin with science and end with a settlement” (Oscar Wilde)

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